Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ai's Miso Soup

Ai’s Miso Soup Any vegetables you want, cut thin (dikon, pumpkin, carrot, etc) (Per person) 1 c water 1-2 T miso (red, white or Koji (Ai’s favorite, it has rice in it) ½ t dashi (it's a fish bouillon base you can get at Japanese markets) Silken tofu (cut into small cubes) Green onion (sliced small) 1. Put the water and dashi in a pot at medium heat. 2. Once the water is hot add the vegetables and simmer until soft. 3. Put the amount of miso you need in a large ladle. Put a little of the dashi broth in the ladle with the miso and stir a small amount of the miso into the broth in the ladle. When the miso is mixed into the broth pour that part into the rest of the broth and vegetables and continue the same process until all the miso is in the pot. 4. Add the tofu and green onions (you can also wait to serve until you add the green onions). IMPORTANT: Don’t boil the miso!! Just heat until hot.

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